LabGuy's World: Extinct B&K Precision
Instruments Video Test Equipment
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1077B Television Analyst: The old standby
in hundreds of TV repair shops across the country. It contained a flying
spot scanner to generate test patterns on the tv being serviced. |
1077B Television Analyst: The analyzer
insides viewed from directly above. The slide is seen edge on pressed tightly
to the face of the UV phosphor 5 inch CRT. |
1077B Television Analyst: One of the test patterns
it could produce. For those of you who have a 1077 but no slide, print
this out and have a transparency made at the local photocopy store. Email
me if the resolution is not adequate. |
1077B Television Analyst:New
pix! The CRT in operation showing the purple glowing, short
persistance, UV phosphor. |
Last updated: January 09, 2005 |