LabGuy's World: Extinct Peto-Scott
Video Equipment
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Model E2772: New!
As can be seen, it is very similar to the Philips EL-3400, however, it
is not exactly the same. The Peto Scott machine was a slightly
less "Professional" machine (for want of a better phrase) than the Philips
machine and was designed for use in schools and colleges. There are
less A/V sockets on the back, and the Din socket on the front of the Philips
has been replaced by a quarter-inch jack socket. The video head on
this (and the Philips EL-3400 & LDL-1200) is extremely easy to change
and was designed to be changed by the user. The white plastic head
cover lifts off and the head is simply clicked into place. Interestingly
enough, this machine uses the capstan and pinch rollers to drive the tape
in Fast Forward and Rewind modes as well as play. This machine is quite
difficult to thread because of the posts on the outside of the drum.
It contains umpteen valves (21 vacuum tubes), it weighs a ton (~99 Lbs.)
and makes a huge amount of noise when it's running. Photo & Info: Mike
Bennet. |
Last updated: January 09, 2005 |