LabGuy's World:
Vintage B/W Video Cameras
New! 01.09.5

196?: General Electric 500 Small Studio
Vidicon Camera!
Here is an art deco studio
camera from the early 1960's. Man this thing is like. . . WOW! Far out,
man! Dig the super-sonic design! George Jetson would really groove on this
one, baby! The GE-500 uses a one inch vidicon tube for pickup and a 5"
CRT for a viewfinder. This particular unit is in good cosmetic and fully
operational condition. The lens is 20 to 80 mm f 2. 5 zoom. Two BNC connectors
are provided on the bottom for horizontal and vertical sync inputs and
one BNC connector for video output. Electrical adjustments include: Monitor
vertical and horizontal hold, monitor brightness, monitor contrast, power
on/off. Screwdriver pots are provided for: camera beam, focus and target
settings as well as vidicon "rack" focus.
NEEDED: Service manual
for this camera.
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Updated September 5, 2001