LabGuy's World:
Vintage B/W Video Cameras
New! 01.10.05

1969: RCA PK-501 Vidicon Surveillance Camera!
Here is a nice video
camera from the late? 1960's or possibly early? 1970's. This is a
classic one inch vidicon based surveillance video camera. It is fully self
contained and requires no external support equipment, like a sync generator
or CCU. This particular specimen is in absolute show room condition and
reeks of electronic preservative. That's a smell that takes me back to
my teen age years when I would obtain many military surplus items with
that same smell. The lens is a standard 25 mm, f 1. 9, fixed focal length
type. The back panel is virtually self explanatory with its video output
connector, beam and focus tweaks and a .6 Amp fuse. Very simple to operate,
this camera is a rare, fully functional, beauty!
NEEDED: Service manual
and more general information for this camera, please.
Click here to:
the 196?: Ampex CC-450 Small Studio Vidicon Camera
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Updated December 17, 2001