LabGuy's World:
Vintage B/W Video Cameras
New! 02.03.10

1976: Quasar VK-100 Great Time Camera!
This is a mid 1970s general
purpose hand held vidicon camera. It uses a 2/3" vidicon tube and all solid
state circuitry. It is the matching camera intended for use with the [Quasar
VR-1000 Great Time Machine VCR]. This camera is very light and easy
to hold for long periods. The viewfinder is a simple, flip up, peep
sight type with engraved graticule for both the normal lens and the wide
angle lens. The camera plugs into a combination AC adapter and signal break
out box. Connection and operation of this unit is extremely simple!
NEEDED: Service manual.
Click here to:
the 1967?: RCA PK-301 Vidicon Surveillance Camera
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Updated March 10, 2002