LabGuy's World:
Vintage B/W Video Cameras
New! 02.08.19:

197?: Singer UC-2Z Small Studio Vidicon
This is a fine example
of mature mid 1970s technology. The UC-2Z is a studio type B/W vidicon
camera with a built in, 3" B/W, flat faced, CRT viewfinder. It uses
a two thirds inch vidicon tube. Old as it is, it still works! The lense
is a simple 3:1 zoom with a range of 15 to 45 mm at f1.8. This lens got
beat up a little bit in shipping before I received the camera, but still
works well enough. This thing is as nimble as a Swiss army knife! The hood
on the viewfinder CRT is hinged and can be positioned as necessary. The
viewfinder itself flips over on a hinge, allowing very simple and easy
access to the internal adjustments and settings of the camers. Overall
appearance is very nice if you ignore the stickers and the nicotene. People
smoked a lot back in the 1970s! I don't have much information yet about
this model, but I will post it as soon as I get it! Stay tuned!
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the 197?: Sony AVC-4000 Studio Vidicon Camera
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Updated August 15, 2002