LabGuy's World:
Vintage Color Video Cameras
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More New Photos! 03.03.02

1976: JVC GC-4800U Two Tube Color Video
This is the color camera
that goes with the PV-4800U color 1/2" EIAJ portapack VTR. This camera
uses two vidicon tubes. Refer to the final photo. One, in the normal horizontal
orientation, and was used as the color dissector. The second tube is oriented
at 90 degrees to the color tube, for luma. Light, from the scene, was separated
and fed to the to tubes through a beam splitter prism. The luma tube views
the scene directly and the color dissector tube views the scene through
a a complex 4 color (clear/cyan/magenta/blue) vertical stripe filter. These
color video components are separated by bandpass filters and then
matrixed with the luma signal prior to encoding to composite video in the
separate CCU pack.
The GC-4800 contains
a built in 1-1/2" viewfinder. The tiny screen has an analog moving horizontal
bar display overlaid onto the image to indicate proper iris setting. When
paused, the bar crosses the entire width of the image, when tape was rolling
the bar shortens and is moved to the left side of the display. Pretty high
tech and just about the limits of the technology at the time!
The entire color camera
ensemble is shown in the center photo. This includes the GA-20U Color Camera
Adapter and the CC-4800U Camera Control Unit.
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Akai VC-150 Two Tube Color Camera
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Updated: March 02, 2003