LabGuy's World:
Vintage Color Video Cameras
New! 01.07.21

1975: GBC CTC-5X Single Tube Hand Held
Color Camera.
Vintage: 1975! One tube
hand held color camera. The lens is an f1. 8, 15 mm - 9pm, 6 to 1 zoom.
The camera head has attached a 1. 5 inch B/W CRT viewfinder. This camera
head also has a detachable hand grip allowing it to be used on a tripod
or hand held. The third photo is of the mating AC power supply unit. A
similar DC power unit was also available. The camera must have one of those
two units attached in order to operate. The pick up tube is a striped target
vidicon using a frequency separation system to dissect color. Though this
camera carries the GBC label, it is actually manufactured by Concord Electronics
as their model PCC-49. LabGuy's World also
has one of the Concord versions and two of these GBC versions. The unit
shown is fully functional and actually works rather well. It produces strong,
accurate color, though it is not very sensitive and requires enormous amounts
of light. Under the proper lighting conditions, I wouldn't hesitate to
use this camera.
WANTED: Service and or
Users manuals and or the other missing accessories for this camera.
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Sony AVC-1600 One Tube Hand Held Color Camera
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Updated: July 21, 2001