LabGuy's World:
Vintage Color Video Cameras
New! 01.09.06

198?: Akai VC-30US Single Tube Color Camera.
Vintage: 198? Single
tube color camera. The lens is an f 1. 9, 15 to 45 mm zoom with optical,
"through the lens", viewfinder. The viewfinder has a diopter which allows
adjusting the focus to your eye, similar to the way that binoculars work.
There are two manual controls on the side of the camera, visible in the
second photo. The first is for manual iris control and the second is high
/ noraml sensitivity control. This camera used a detachable cable that
plugged into the bottom of the camera. This cable is missing, so it is
unknown if it works. The imager tube is (probably) a striped target, frequency
seperation, vidicon type. I have no other information on this camera at
this time.
WANTED: Service and or
Users manuals for this camera.
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Sony DXC-1850 Single Tube Two Piece Color Camera
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Updated: September 6, 2001