LabGuy's World:
Vintage Color Video Cameras
New! 01.12.07

1970?: Shibaden FPC-1000 Three Tube Color
Studio Camera.
Vintage: 1976? Three
tube color studio camera and matching Camera Control Unit. What a neat
camera! This is a classic three vidicon studio camera of the mid 70s period.
The lens is a 20mm to 100mm, f1.8 cable drive zoom with electronic iris
control. The viewfinder is a monochrome 5" CRT. Behind the rear door on
the camera are the static registration controls. These allow the operator
to make the separate red, green and blue images overlap perfectly. If they
don't, edges in the image would have colored fringes. The camera control
unit provides power, sync drive signals, intercom and other controls through
a big fat 30 foot cable to the camera head. Inside the camera head, as
seen in the last photo, there is a dichroich mirror color seperator block
and three vidicon tubes, one for each of the primary colors. The top tube
is the red channel, the middle is the green and the bottom is the blue
channel. In the lower left portion of the last photo, you cna just see
the red, green and blue beam and focus adjustments for each tube. Each
vidicon and yoke assembly has mechanical adjustments to allow for racking
(moving the tube in and out along its axis) and rotation to level all three
images. These adjustments must be performed before electronic registration
can be performed.
Operational condition
unknown at this time. Stay Tuned!
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Sony DXC-1200 Single Tube Color Studio Camera
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Updated: December 08, 2001