LabGuy's World:
Vintage Color Video Cameras
Updated! 03.06.25

1976: Hitachi GP-5U Tri-Electrode Single
Tube Portable Color Camera.
Vintage: 1976: Single
tube portable color camera. Using a tri-electrode vidicon tube tube. This
tube generates the red green and blue signals simutaneously. This greatly
simplifies the design and decreases the weight and power consumpion. Just
about 10 watts. It weighs about 8 pounds (17.6 kilos). For hend held shooting,
avery stout handle is supplied. The operator holds the grip with the right
hand and the lens with the left hand.
The viewfinder is a one
and one half inch B/W CRT. There is also a small speaker for monitoring
the audio. The volume control is couple to an input selecto switch you
operate by pulling it out or pushing it in. This allows viewing the camera
or the VTR playback for monitoring. [I mounted
one of these viewfinders on my earliest camera back in 1983]. It must
be very robust, because it is still working today!
This camera is currently
untested. I recently received another, identical camera, but it was marketed
as the Zenith KC-1000.
The PIN-OUT of the camrea
connector is available on [THIS PAGE]. (Near
the bottom)
NEEDED: Service literature
for this camera.
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updated: June 25, 2003