LabGuy's World: 1969 Shibaden
FP-707 portable vidicon camera
New Addition 070325
On display, a very rare Shibaden FP-707 portable vidicon camera. This is the
mate to the [Shibaden SV-707] record only VTR.
This little camera packs a lot into a little space. There is the vidicon tube,
which dissects the image projected on its photosensitive face by the lens. There
is a tiny 1.5 inch magnetic deflection cathode ray tube to allow monitoring of
the actual video image being recorded. A red tally light is located inside the
viewfinder shade to notify the operator that tape is rolling. The pistol grip
handle is detachable for more stable mounting of the camera on a tripod. The
camera can also be operated stand alone with the CU-707 camera AC adapter. This
way, the FP-707 can be used with any VTR or monitor. Also shown is the the
SAP-12 power pack for the VTR. The camera weighs about 8 pounds and feels good
in the hand, but would get to be burden only after a short time.
The FP-707 was powered with 12 volts DC provided by the video tape recorder. It
also required horizontal and vertical drive pulses in order to synchronize the
scanning coils of the vidicon and cathode ray tubes. These pulses were provided
by the VTR or the camera AC adapter, whichever was being used at the time. This
camera was probably capable of providing playback monitoring of recorded video
if the VTR had playback capability.
Nothing. I have the operator and service manual for this camera.
Last updated: March 25, 2007 |