LabGuy's World: 1966 Squires Sanders SS-310 Vidicon Camera
New! 090713 1966 Squires Sanders SS-310 Vidicon Camera Labguy, who was Squires Sanders? I'm glad you asked! Until I obtained this camera, I had no clue. There is very little information on the web about this. However, I did find one very fine page devoted entirely to the subject [HERE]. It appears SS made communications equipment mostly. They obviously manufactured this marvel of minuturization, though I have no info on the product itself. This camera is downright tiny for its era. Measuring 7-3/8 inches long by 2-7/8 inches high and 4-1/8 inches wide and weighing a mere 4 pounds 3 ounces, it is likely to qualify for smallest video camera produced that year! (I'm speculating wildly here) It has all the regular controls, beam, (electronic) focus and target as well as a selector switch for choosing either baseband video or RF output. The lens is a D mount type, very rare. It has a focal lenght of 6.5 mm at f 1.9. A really fast lens for its diameter! The vidicon appears to be a 2/3 inch type, though I can not fully rule out it being a half inch tube. Type number unknown as I will not disassemble the camera. I must maintain a "do no harm" philosophy to protect my collection for future generations. NEEDED: Service manual and more general information for this camera, please. [HOME] [MUSEUM OF EXTINCT VIDEO CAMERAS] Last updated: July 13, 2009 |