LabGuy's World:
Vintage B/W Video Cameras
New! 02.03.10

196?: Panasonic WV-033P Vidicon Camera!
This is a mid 1960s general
purpose surveillance vidicon camera. It uses a 1" vidicon tube and all
solid state circuitry. This camera has a unique gimmick, the WV-941, snap
on, optical viewfinder. It is a simple peep sight that snaps onto the ventilation
slots on the top of the WV-033P camera. This viewfinder is optimized to
work with a standard 25 mm lens mounted on the camera. The whole combo
is stored in a very nice attaché type case (not shown). The last
photo shows the inventory label pasted inside the lid of the case. This
system is a very clever, quick to market, "home video" camera intended
to be used with the early Panasonic Tape-A-Vision reel to reel VTRs of
the mid 60s. Un fortunately, LabGuy's World did not receive the matching
microphone with this system. Anyone out there know the model number and
possible location of this mic?
NEEDED: Service manual.
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Updated March 10, 2002