LabGuy's World:
Vintage B/W Video Cameras
New! 02.07.19

195?: Blonder-Tongue TVC-1-C Vidicon Camera
Here we have a late 1950s
vacuum tube type B/W vidicon camera. It uses a one inch vidicon tube of
the 6198 variety. Circuitry is all vacuum tube! The lens is a modern Sony
25 mm, f1.8 and is not original to this camera. This is just the head of
the camera. It contains the image sensor tube (vidicon), the deflection
/ focus coils, a three tube video preamp and a mechanical rack focusing
system. The head was attached to a second unit which contained the power
supplies, the deflection drive circuits and the final video stages. LabGuy's
World only has this camera head. Do you know where I can find the rest
of this system?
In the second photo,
you can see the crank handle that "racks" the vidicon and deflection coils
in and out behind the lens for focusing. Photos three and four show the
interior of the unit. The multipin interface connector is visible on the
bottom rear of the camera.
This camera head is in
excellent physical condition and is quite representative of the quality
of electronic products of this era. If the rest of the system were obtained,
I have no doubt that the unit would function.
NEEDED: A service / operator's manual for this camera.
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the 1967?: GBC CTC-5000 Vidicon Studio Camera
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Updated July 19, 2002